Embarking on my journey with IZOC Solutions in late 2019, my initial steps were uncertain due to my background in software engineering. Faced with the dilemma of choosing between e-commerce and my coding roots, Bilal Bhai, my mentor, played a pivotal role. His belief in my potential and encouragement propelled me to shift gears and bid farewell to the coding world.

Starting 2020, I seized responsibilities, taking charge of projects handed to me by Bilal Bhai. By the end of 2020, I not only met but surpassed my targets, earning a promotion to Supervisor E-commerce in mid-2021. The momentum continued, and by the end of 2021, achieving a revenue target of $10,000, I advanced to the position of Senior Supervisor. 

However, 2022 brought challenges with a slowdown in project allocation and a dip in revenue to $7,000 for a few months. In the face of adversity, I focused on team growth and effective team building. Implementing knowledge management techniques, I conducted educational sessions twice a week, ensuring my team’s skills were well-rounded in all aspects of e-commerce. Throughout the challenging times, my commitment to effective team management remained unwavering. I implemented a multichannel approach, ensuring that each team member acquired expertise in various domains of e-commerce. The goal was not only to weather the storms but to emerge stronger, more versatile, and united.

Despite facing 23 CSR projects, I maintained strong client relationships and achieved sustainability, closing 2022 with a revenue of $12,000. In 2023, I successfully pitched for new projects. With the help of my great team we started acquiring more projects and working as a single unit. We have achieved wonders as of now and today I have the same level of confidence in my team as Bilal Bhai used to have in me.

I am proud to share that I’ve been promoted to Assistant Manager Ecommerce, leading a team of 18 members. Today, I can proudly affirm that our team’s resilience and unity have not only overcome hurdles but have transformed challenges into opportunities. The collective success we’ve achieved is a testament to the power of effective leadership, strategic planning, and a team dedicated to a shared vision.

Today, I proudly stand in the position Bilal Bhai envisioned, recognizing that our collective success is a testament to effective leadership and strategic planning. Grateful for my team’s trust and support, I look forward to continued growth, overcoming challenges, and reaching new heights together, a success story powered by unity, determination, and a shared commitment to excellence.